Running GitLab Runners on Kubernetes

Renjith Ravindranathan
2 min readApr 27, 2024


Image courtesy — Gitlab

In this short article, we will explore how we can run Gitlab runners on Kubernetes using GitLab official helm charts with a bit of customization. GitLab Runners are integral components of GitLab’s Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) infrastructure, responsible for executing the defined tasks and workflows outlined in .gitlab-ci.ymlconfiguration files. Now let's look at how to add one to your Kubernetes cluster.


  • Kubernetes Cluster
  • Helm CLI


  1. The first step is to add the helm charts via helm cli
# Add Chart
helm repo add gitlab
helm repo update

2. To register a Gitlab Runner with your GitLab Instance, it needs a registration token, which can be created from the below URL. Please note that I am using instance and all my projects are under a particular group. Don't forget to copy the registration token after the creation :)<groupname>/-/runners

GitLab Runner Registration

3. Install the chart specifying the registration token, version, and values file

helm install --namespace gitlab-runner --create-namespace --set runnerRegistrationToken=<replacewithyourtoken>  gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner --version v0.63.0  --values values.yaml



imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
concurrent: 4

- name: harbor-pull-secret

replicas: 5

create: true
serviceAccountName: default

config: |
name = "gitlab-runner"
environment = [
poll_timeout = 2000
node_selector_overwrite_allowed = ".*"
helper_image = "gitlab/gitlab-runner-helper:arm64-v16.10.0"

unregisterRunners: true

allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
runAsNonRoot: true
privileged: true
drop: ["ALL"]

4. The above value file has been used to deploy the chart on the arm64 Kubernetes nodes cluster and that is the reason the helper image used is with arm64 tag. The imagePullSecrets contains the name of the secret that the .dockerconfigjson, will be used to pull images from the external container registry. You may create one, by reading the steps here

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading and feedback is always welcome. Until next time.

In case of any queries, please feel free to connect with me via the below social links




Renjith Ravindranathan
Renjith Ravindranathan

Written by Renjith Ravindranathan

A DevOps engineer by profession, Dad, Traveler & sometimes, like to tweak around stuff inside memory constrained devices. Currently living in the Netherlands.

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